Monday, April 4, 2011

Take Control- Figure out your Healthy Filling Snack. Fruit & Nut Evening Snack

Hunger growls like a bear.
And before I reach for the calorific, indulgent snack- I think about those Signature Levis, on the top of my shelf, which I cant wear yet.

So I plan my snack.
I don't know where I read this- but here goes:
"A combination of fruits and nuts create an explosive mixture which gives a feeling of fullness" far above 2 packs of potato chips.

 This is just a dinner-in-2-hours snack.  And if you do it right, you may also cut a bit of carbs off the dinner plate and have a bit more energy too!

So what makes a healthy snack, that:
Fills you, keeps you mentally alert till the big meal, and lets you get in a 15-min exercise stint in a half hour?

Fibre, Protein, healthy fat and minimal carbs.
1 small serving of Fresh Fruit + Dried fruit or nuts + a cereal/toast, Pure & simple

The operative word is Small

So, say, 1/3rd of an apple, - diced, with the peel OR 3-4 strawberries OR a few blueberries or blackberries
or a 1/4 of an orange/ tangerine etc plus
2-3 thinly sliced almonds or pistachio or walnuts
plus 4-5 raisins or a couple sliced dates, fresh or dried
2-3 tbsp of Muesli

Fully dried Figs, A big Thumbsup!
And you're good to go!

Somedays, like today, while I'm writing this post, and can't be bothered to do all that- I'm good with 2 dried figs and a huge glass of water, the fillingness is awesome. You may be able to find these fully-dried Flat figs in the Ethnic or arabic aisle. I' m not too fond of the semi-dried squishy ones which still retain shape & moisture-  I haven't found them to be as filling, but hey, they'll do in a pinch. Think of the Fibre, calcium, iron and sugars in these babies :)

You could also
arrange a few slices of apple on a slice of lightly-buttered whole grain toast, a pat of peanut butter or almond butter or cashew butter, sprinkle some raisins/ or dates or pomegranate seeds for sweetness

Happy Snacking.
Going to go squeeze in those jeans and try to stretch them again...

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