Thursday, January 22, 2015

Golden Flax Seeds for Weightloss- how to eat a handful- Two types of Flax-seed.

So the weight-loss advisor says to me-
'eat a handful of seeds early in the morning- see how light birds are, all they eat are seeds.' 

I dont really recall the rest - it just struck me like a Sledge Hammer.

Pretty soon, I was eating, just before breakfast,
2 tbsp sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds -  roasted/sundried-
and every once a while struggling to eat flax seeds..

By far, the highest nutritive value is in Flax Seeds- great for the Heart, Cholesterol - being on the other side of 40, all this matters more than weight ..

But oh the smelly things- I could barely eat them. Tried drinking Flax seed oil- haha-
considering making myself a body cream- but the smell I would end up wasting everything.

I tried them in snack bars in natural foods stores and pretty much gave up on eating them- but then I found something a few days ago -

Roasted to perfection, crunchy and really yummy, and barely giving that oily after-taste 
which it is so infamous for..
Now this one-  Eating a handful became no great shakes.

and I wasn't sure what makes it yellow - mustard- turmeric-what?
so I found out-

and guess what- there are 2 'types' of Flax seed-
Brown- the garden variety, difficult to eat and 
Golden, exotic in terms of flax seed.
What can I say, my tastes are just exotic :)
My Jar of Golden Roasted Flax Seeds.

Both Brown and Golden Flax seeds have similar nutritive value, except for one subtype.

Nutritive facts
100g ground flax seed = about 450 calories, 41g fat, 28g fiber, and 20g protein.

Both the fiber and protein are whopping
Flax seed sprouts are edible with a slightly spicy flavor. 

Excessive consumption with inadequate water can cause bowel obstruction
 Called tisi or alsi in North India, traditionally roasted, powdered, and eaten with boiled rice, a little water & salt.
Whole flax seeds are chemically stable, but ground flaxseed can go rancid at room temperature in as little as one week
My packet of Flax seeds, I found at Spencers, Hyderabad- sold loose along with a wide variety of spices, nuts, seeds, dried pieces of mango, papaya, pineapple, etc..
I end up splurging at that "Seeds Bar"

Read here about Flax seeds today..

Planning on incorporating Flax-seeds regularly? and thats what needs to be done-
Go down to the Flaxseeds side-effects on this page and just be aware.

Using Flaxseed

2 tbsp went into Oatmeal today.


  • Use as Egg substitute while baking. The soluble fiber adds structure to the cake and muffins.
  • Sprinkle ground flaxseeds over oats, cereals, yoghurt and smoothies.
  • You can cook flaxseeds in casseroles, meatball and curries. Use 4 to 8 tablespoons of flaxseeds in a dish serving 6 to 8 people.
  • It also goes well with dosa, chapatti dough, buttermilk, chutney and upma.
  • The seeds from the flax plant can also be pressed to make vegetable oil, commonly known as linseed oil.
  • Add a teaspoon of ground flaxseed to your cheese spread or mayonnaise when making a sandwich.

Weightloss question- Have I benefited using seeds in the morning?
Yes. the days I eat in the morning,
I am more fuller and energetic.
I eat them when I crave chocolate or chips - so I use them  for snacking- along with  Almonds, Figs, Peanuts, Raisins, and other dried fruit.

Some days I also drink a very high protein shake - 23g to the serving- but since I like to augment with natural protein- this looks like an excellent substitute.

search on blog label: weightloss- it has the good, bad and ugly.
I have to go back and edit those pages.. someday... 

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