Wednesday, March 11, 2015

10 Tips to Motivate Yourself to Exercise at 40+

Motivating yourself is an Art Form- so treat it like Art - Personalize it.
Be gentle & careful with yourself. 
At 40+, its more important to NOT do anything you may regret later (includes exercise).

Here are 10 ways to Motivate yourself when you are 40+ and don't want to Exercise.

1. Only Stretch. (Warm up and Stretch is better for Muscles)- maybe only one part- your Fingers, Hands, Toes, Back, Arms.

2. Only Warm up your Joints. you can sit and gently rotate Your Neck, Wrist, Elbows, Shoulder, Feet

3.Have a medicine ball, or weights & equipment in a visible place, so that you can see it many times a day and your mind stays in gear.

4. Buy a Swiss Ball- its great for the back, makes exercise easy, and there's no way you can not look at it. 

5. Look at that slinky  curve-fitting, reinforced Dress you bought.

6. If you don't have that dress in your closet, Shop. Now. Exercise later. First get motivated.

7. Get off Pinterest and just walk around for 10 minutes (with a watch) .

8. Buy Slimming Jewelry. Stuff that is so gorgeous, you can't look at what you don't have.  

9. Have a playlist of workout video - blogilates is one of my faves - Find the one with your problem spot and watch it to the end. or atleast half-way. She's easy on the eyes and her exercises gives inch loss- a great motivator in itself..

10. Have a playlist of music video that is workout related..
(like Geri's Its Raining Men)
 I was motivated by below post to write an age-relevant, mind-related post- read that too- who knows what works for you?
 40 ways to motivate yourself -   SparkPeople Blogger

We all have the days where we plan to work out and know that we should, but when it's time to lace up your shoes and go…You. Just. Don't. Wanna.

I have those days, too, but when I remind myself how GOOD exercise makes me feel, and how it will help me reach my goals, I generally suck it up and do it anyway. Getting started really is the hardest part. Once you get going, you're generally glad you did. And when it's over, you feel even better.

But some people have less willpower or dedication. Some give in to the temptation to skip exercise too easily. While that's fine once in a while, it can become a hard habit to break if you skip out on your workouts too often.

So recently, I polled members of, America's No. 1 fitness and healthy living community, asking what THEY do to motivate themselves when they don't feel like exercising. Let me tell you: These people are a creative bunch. The next time you feel less-than-enthusiastic about your upcoming exercise session, take their advice. Here are 40 things you can do (or think about) to get your workout motivation back—and get moving.

SparkPeople members answer: "When I don't feel like working out, I ___."

  1. Do it anyway. (This was the most popular answer!)
  2. Tell myself to go for 15 minutes. If I still feel bad or unmotivated, I can quit. I have yet to quit.
  3. Look on Pinterest for motivation! (Check out Pinterest's Fitness section and followSparkPeople's Pinterest boards.)
  4. Ask a friend along to the workout it helps us both with accountability.
  5. Do a heavy house cleaning (vacuuming, moving furniture, scrubbing) so I have a reason to work out.
  6. Watch a Crossfit video on YouTube. It always inspires me. Then I get it done.
  7. Take a 10-minute brisk walk.
  8. Take the dog for a long walk.

  9. Force myself anyway and feel better for it.
  10. Go to a yoga class. It gets me moving, and I always have fun!
  11. I sit by myself for a few minutes and think about all the things I can't enjoy because of my poor health.
  12. Sometimes I find myself doing it just to get my fitness minutes for the month. Proof that SparkPeople works!
  13. Work out anyway…then bask in the awesomeness!
  14. Find something new to do! If you run then go for a swim or a bike ride. Maybe you are getting bored with the same routine.
  15. Complain about not feeling motivated, then go do it, since I don't like hearing myself complain.

  16. I drag myself to the gym anyway. Before I realize it, an hour is passed and I'm glad I went.
  17. Post about your lack of motivation on Facebook, and get chewed out.
  18. Do it anyway because this is for me.
  19. Try to force myself to just do something for 1 minute (jumping jacks, squats, etc.). But usually I tell myself I will be happier that I did it instead of mad at myself for not doing anything.
  20. Put on my work out clothes, lace up my shoes and go for a walk. Once I'm out and moving I find my motivation.
  21. Do a SparkPeople workout video! They are always great workouts and I love that they are not super hard and complicated!
  22. Remember a time when I couldn't work out, and how sad I was when I was heavier, and how I don't want to feel sad again!
  23. Listen to some music—something with energy that I like. It's funny how the right music can make you move even when you think you don't want to, and it usually provides a mood boost, too (which is probably why I didn't want to workout in the first place).

  24. Put my feelings aside and use logic and reasoning. My feelings then change after a good workout.
  25. Follow an "easy" DVD and tell myself I'll do just one part of it. I end up doing it all usually.
  26. Put on my workout clothes!
  27. Do a workout at home instead of going to the gym.
  28. Remind myself why I started working out and how much better I feel and feel about myself when I am done!

  29. Do it anyway, just not as long.
  30. Remember how easy it is to loss fitness even after missing a few sessions.
  31. Put on my workout clothes first thing in the morning. Once I'm in them there's no reason to not work out!
  32. Remind myself of one of Gods promises in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
  33. Think how good I feel after a workout! Nothing else gives me that same feeling!
  34. Go bowling.
  35. I go get my small weights and start toning up.
  36. Do something light and slow, like yoga.

  37. Start working out anyway, and then, I figure I've already started, so I may as well finish STRONG!
  38. Put on dance music and move!
  39. Call a friend to encourage me.
  40. Think of all the people who can't and I go do it and am grateful that I CAN.
There are a lot of things in life that we should do but don't always feel like doing. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a useful blog you have shared here on exercise at the age of 40, it is really very helpful for the people near to this age.Thanks for sharing here with us.Cellulite become a big problem today which makes our body appearance ugly but with cellulite exercises you can remove it from your body very easily.


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